Thursday, October 16, 2008

Movie Night in Buta

A big part of our job here is education -- no one expects to be able to sway long-held beliefs that chimpanzees do not matter in every person, but to be able to impact anyone and especially, children, is always brightening.

It made me especially happy then to be able to help arrange a movie night while we were in Buta at our friend David’s house. David has a “large” television, and a generator, and I’d brought the IMAX film: “Jane Goodall’s Wild Chimpanzees” on DVD.

It’s a film I got when I was working at the Jane Goodall Institute in Maryland, and I don’t imagine I ever thought it would make it this far! But how amazing that it had a French language track! It meant that the kids could watch it and understand how important it was, and of course they laughed too at the footage of baby chimps at play.

I sat in the dark and watched their illuminated faces, fixated on the screen, excitedly asking questions about everything they saw.

And you really know it’s all worth it.

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